Monday, December 30, 2019

Jaguar Facts (Panthera onca)

The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest big cat in the Americas and the third largest in the world, after the lion and tiger. spost Fast Facts: Jaguar Scientific Name: Panthera oncaCommon Names: JaguarBasic Animal Group: Mammal Size: 5-6 feet plus 27-36 inch tailWeight: 100-250 poundsLifespan: 12-15 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Central and South AmericaPopulation: 64,000Conservation Status: Near Threatened Description Both jaguars and leopards have spotted coats, but the jaguar has fewer and larger rosettes (spots), often containing small dots. Jaguars are shorter and stockier than leopards. Most jaguars have golden to reddish-brown spotted coats with white bellies. However, melanistic jaguars or black panthers occur about 6% of the time in South American cats. Albino jaguars or white panthers also occur, but they are rare. Black jaguars occur naturally in wild populations. Alicia Barbas Garcia / EyeEm / Getty Images Male and female jaguars have a similar appearance, but females tend to be 10-20 percent smaller than males. Otherwise, the size of the cats varies greatly, ranging from 3.7-6.1 feet from the nose to the base of the tail. The cats tail is the shortest of the big cats, ranging from 18-36 inches in length. Mature adults may weigh anywhere from 79-348 pounds. Jaguars in the southern end of their range are larger than those found further north. Habitat and Distribution The jaguars range once ran from the Grand Canyon or possibly Colorado in the United States down through Argentina. However, the cat was heavily hunted for its beautiful fur. While its possible a few of the cats remain in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, sizable populations only exist from Mexico through Central America and into South America. The cat is protected and believed to have a high chance of survival in the Kaan Biosphere Reserve in Mexico, the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize, the Manu National Park in Peru, and the Xingu National Park in Brazil. Jaguars are disappearing from most of the remainder of their range. While jaguars prefer forested areas near water, they also live in shrubland, wetlands, grasslands, and savanna biomes. Diet and Behavior While jaguars resemble leopards, their ecological niche is most similar to that of the tiger. Jaguars stalk and ambush prey, often falling upon the target from a tree. They are strong swimmers and readily pursue prey in water. Jaguars are crepuscular, usually hunting before dawn and after dusk. Prey includes capybara, deer, pigs, frogs, fish, and snakes, including anacondas. The cats jaws have a powerful bite force that enables them to crack open turtle shells and defeat all but the largest caimans. After making a kill, a jaguar will haul its dinner up a tree to eat. Although they are obligate carnivores, jaguars have been observed eating Banisteriopsis caapi  (ayahuasca), a plant containing the psychelic compound N,N-Dimethyltryptamine  (DMT). Reproduction and Offspring Jaguars are solitary cats except for mating. They mate throughout the year, usually whenever food is abundant. Pairs separate immediately after mating. Gestation lasts 93-105 days, resulting in up to four, but usually two, spotted cubs. Only the mother cares for the cubs. Cubs open their eyes at two weeks and are weaned by three months of age. They stay with their mother for a year or two before leaving to find their own territory. Males typically have larger territories than females. Male territories do not overlap. Multiple females may occupy a territory, but the cats tend to avoid each other. Females reach sexual maturity around two years of age, while males mature later at age three or four. Wild jaguars live 12-15 years, but captive cats may live 23 years. Jaguar cubs are spotted. Picture by Tambako the Jaguar / Getty Images Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the jaguars conservation status as near threatened. As of 2017, the total cat population was estimated to be around 64,000 individuals and was decreasing rapidly. Jaguars, especially males, range across vast territories, so the animals are heavily influenced by habitat loss and fragmentation from development, transportation, agriculture, pollution, and logging. As apex predators, they are at risk from diminishing availability of natural prey. Jaguars are not protected across much of their range, particularly in countries where they threaten livestock. They may be hunted as pests, as trophies, or for their fur. While the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 1973 greatly reduced pelt trade, illegal trade remains a problem. Jaguars and Humans Unlike leopards, lions, and tigers, jaguars rarely attack humans. However, the combination of human encroachment and decreased prey has led to increasing conflict. While the risk of an attack is real, jaguars and pumas (Puma concolor) are much less likely to attack people than other big cats. Perhaps a handful of human attacks by jaguars have been documented in recent history. In contrast, over a thousand people have been attacked by lions in the past 20 years. While the direct risk to humans is small, jaguars readily target pets and livestock. Sources Dinets, V. and P. J. Polechla. First documentation of melanism in the jaguar (Panthera onca) from northern Mexico. Cat News. 42: 18, 2005.Mccain, Emil B.; Childs, Jack L. Evidence of resident Jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Southwestern United States and the Implications for Conservation. Journal of Mammalogy. 89 (1): 1–10, 2008. doi:10.1644/07-MAMM-F-268.1  Mossaz, A.; Buckley, R.C.; Castley. Ecotourism Contributions to Conservation of African Big Cats. Journal for Nature Conservation. 28: 112–118, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2015.09.009Quigley, H.; Foster, R.; Petracca, L.; Payan, E.; Salom, R.; Harmsen, B. Panthera onca. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T15953A123791436, 2017. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T15953A50658693.enWozencraft, W.C. Order Carnivora. In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 546–547, 2005. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Search For Meaning and Life Essay - 1061 Words

Albert Camus once stated, â€Å"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.† In Eudora Welty’s, â€Å"Death of a Traveling Salesman†, R.J. Bowman, the main character and notorious â€Å"traveling salesman†, is in a constant, internal battle about the roads in which his life choices have led him down. As Bowman travels he gets lost physically and emotionally, he finds himself in the middle of nowhere with two bizarre people who may just cause him to realize, that what he once considered truth, may in fact be false, and that maybe life isn’t measured by the questions one answers, but by the things that make you ask questions. In this work of art written†¦show more content†¦Sonny gets Bowman’s car from the vines and ditches while the woman goes about her household chores as Bowman watches and continues to think about his life. As the w oman works Bowman cannot help but to think of the woman who have been apart of his life and how he let them slip from his fingers because his work has always been his top priority. Sonny and the woman are happily married and expecting a child. It seems, although they may not be rich or have a fulfilling career, the two share a very fulfilling life together. The two have everything in life that Bowman now understands that he has always wanted: love, happiness, and family. The simplistic blissfulness of the couples’ life proves to be too much for Mr. Bowman to take and he ultimately dashes from the house later in the night where he is met by his untimely death. Toward the end of Bowman’s life he realizes all he has missed out on by not settling down and raising the family he never really knew he wanted. Although the missed opportunity to become a family man is a great pain for Bowman, perhaps the greatest is the loss of the chance to love someone as the woman he meets lo ves her husband, Sonny. As he talks to the woman she continuously mentions Sonny in conversation, from the statement that Sonny would fix his car to the mention that Sonny brews the whiskey she offers Bowman. As Welty has Bowman compare his life to that ofShow MoreRelatedVictor Frankls Life and Work Mans Search for Meaning Essays1390 Words   |  6 Pagesbook and wrote a different book, â€Å"Man’s Search for Meaning† in nine days. Viktor Frankl later died on September 2, 1997, of heart failure. Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl is a story that talks about the need for hope in future especially to people who are facing trouble and disillusionment in life. The story emphasizes on the need to have hope and faith in God and not in man. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Free Essays

Chapter #36:Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Time Period: 1914 to Present I. Translation of the Chapter Title: 1 Sentence (Translate the Chapter Title into your own words; use dictionary as needed) Nationalism: devotion to ones own nation Political Identities: arguments that focus on self interests Asia, Africa, and Latin America: places in the world II. Prediction Based on Chapter Title: (1 sentence—based on the title, what do you think this chapter will be about) I predict this chapter is going to be about the political identities of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We will write a custom essay sample on Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America or any similar topic only for you Order Now III. Opening Story: (1 Sentence Summary): Shanfei was a political person who was born in riches. IV. Summary of First â€Å"White† page before the Purple Writing (2-3 sentences): This talks about how Europe was still very dominant in global relations. The nationalist and anti-imperial governments had strengthened. V. Two Detailed Predictions About the Chapter Based on First â€Å"White† Page Before Purple Writing (2 sentences) I predict this chapter is about Europe. I also predict this chapter is going to be about the anti-imperial governments. I. Purple Section Title: Asian Paths to Autonomy. II. Purple Section Prediction (1 Sentence Prediction in Your Own Words—What Will this Section Be About): I predict this chapter is going to be about Asian paths to autonomy. |Interactive Questions |Dates |Notes From This Section: (Use Section Titles and Italics on Side Margins! ) | | | I. Asian Paths to Autonomy | | | |A. Indian’s Quest for Home Rule | | | |1. Indian National Congress | | |Mohandas K Gandhi- |a. ost influential against British Rule founded in 1885 | | |(1869- 1948) |b. Hindus and Muslims, Muslim League- both org. were established | | | |to take out British | | | |2. Mohandas K. Gandhi | | | |a. grew up in a Hindu household, married at 13, and left to go study | | | |law in London | | |Ali Jinnah |b. He went to South Africa and worked there for some time against | | |(1876-1948) |having Indians be second class, developed a technique known as | | | |passive resistance | | | |c. e became a vegetarian and renounced sex , spend hours each | | | |morning reading Bhagavad-Gita which was a sacred writing | | |Mao Zedong- (1893- |d. ecame active in Indian Politics, he worked hard to change caste | | |1976) |system so that the low class could have more privileges | | | |e. congress launched two assive movements: Non-cooperation | | | |movement and the Civil Disobedience movement, Gandhi called for | | | |Indians to boycott on British goods | | | |3. The Indian Act | | | |a. British offered a political compromise, British gave India the right | | | |to have self-rule over themselves | | | |b. ct did not work b/c Muslims feared the Hindus would take over | | | |the national legislature | | | |B. China’s Search for Order | | | |1. The Republic | | | |a. lunged into a economic disintegration marked by the rule of | | | |warlords, warlords placed themselves as provisional regional | | | |rulers | | | |b. arlords were a symbol of disintegration, they also had unequal | | | |treaties | | | |2. Chine Nationalism | | | |a. fter Great war this developed very fast, expected U. S. to support | | | |the treaties they had, Chinese became interested in the Marxist | | | |3. Sun Yatsen | | | |a. ationalist leader who did not want a dictatorship | | | |b. his basic ideology was to eliminate privileges of foreigners, | | | |national reunification, and a economic dev. o have these goals be he | | |Jiang Jieshi- |was willing to take over and put Nationalist peoples party | | |(1887-1975) |4. Civil War | | | |a. fter Sun Yatsen’s death the power fell to Jiang soviet union | | | |trainy he launched apolitical and military offensive known as | | | |Nothern Expedition that tried to unify country and have china under | | | |Guomingdang rule | | | |b. china tried to not have anything to do with global economy | | | |devastation, Had a Red Army | | | |C. Imperial and Imperialist Japan | | | |1. The Mukden Incident | | | |a. cicilian government in Japan tried to halt the military incursion | | | |b. Great war and the Great depression helped with the ongoing of the | | | |nationalist | | | |II. Africa Under Colonial Domination | | | |A. Africa and the Great War | | | |1. War In Africa | | | |a. Some immediate consequences were that allies invaded the | | | |German colonies, Germans could not hoe to win the war in Africa | | | |b. olonial powers | | | |2. Challenges to European authority | | | |a. Africans mounted challenges to Europeans | | | |b. there was revolts | | | |B. The Colonial Economy | | | |1. Infrastructure | | | |a. Africa required investment in Infrastructure | | | |b. transportation helped and so did agriculture | | | |2. Farming and ining | | | |a. to pay Africans had to become cash crops farmers | | | |b. international farmers grew a variety of crops | | | |c. production of agriculture was intended for oversees | | | |d. olonial mining enterprises relied on African labor in parts of | | | |Southern Africa | | | |3. Labor practices | | | |a. colonial officers resorted to forced labor | | | |b. compulsory labor: corollary to our occupation of country | | | |c. lot of labor abuse had to do with â€Å"concessionary companies† | | | |who were given the right to exploit resources from a region for | | | |taxation | | | |4. Africa’s New Elite | | | |a. colonialism promoted a African social class called â€Å"new elite† | | | |b. he elite derived status from employment and education | | | |c. Jomo=spent 15 yrs. in Eur ope where he attended schools | | | |d. Kenyatta led Kenya to independence from Europe | | | |5. Forms of Nationalism | | | |a. nationalist looked for pre-colonial past for inspiration | | | |b. hey found identities that were based on religion, ethnicity, | | | |language and believed future nations would build on some of these | | | |principles | | | |c. there was representatives to Pan- Americanism one was Marcus | | | |d. Marcus preached on about black pride | | | |III. Latin American struggled with Neocolonialism | | | |A. The impact of the Great War and the Great Depression | | | |1. Reorientation of Political and Nationalist Ideals | | | |a. had spread of new ideas | | | |b. he revolutionary doctrines did not achieve any popularity in the | | | |Latin American States | | | |2. University Protests and Communist Parties | | | |a. people of Latin America experienced U. S. economic power | | | |b. capitalism did not come under attacj | | | |c. ariategui felt bad poor and Indians that made up 50% of Peru | | | |she also wrote and helped to create Peruvian communist party | | | |d. Apristas: advocated for indigenous rights | | | |3. Diego Rivera and Radical Artistic Visions | | | |a. Rivera studied in Europe and later returned to Mexico, he was a | | | |painter | | | |b. Rivera received a request so he could go paint murals for RCA he | | | |painted a work of Vladimir Lenin - his mural got destroyed so he | | | |started to paint paintings of America’s Imperialism | | | |B. The Evolution of Economic Imperialism | | | |1. Unites States Economic Domination | | | |a. Latin America were no strangers to foreign economic domination | | | |2. Dollar Diplomacy | | | |a. Taft argued U. S. hould substitute â€Å"dollars for bullets† in the | | | |foreign policy | | | |b. wanted business to develop foreign markets | | | |3. Economic Depression and Experimentation | | | |a. exports into interwar to help nations have solvency | | | |C. Conflicts with a â€Å"Good Neighbor† | | | |1. The â€Å"Good Neighbor Policy† | | | |a. relied for more fully to dollar diplomacy | | | |. U. S. marines provided training for indigenous people | | | |2. Nicaragua and the Guarda Nacional | | | |a. U. S. financial interests influenced the economy of Nicaragua | | | |b. U. S. forces trained the Guarda Nacional in Nicaragua | | | |3. Cardenas Mexico | | | |a. Hull signed â€Å"Convention on the Rights and Duties of States† | | | |4. Neighborly Cultural Exchanges | | | |a. United Stated wanted to cultivate Latin America for its exports | | | |b. Hollywood adopted a Latin American singer raised in brazil | | | |but orn in Portugal | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |End of Chapter Exercises | |Documents that we encounter | |All Written Sources (basic meaning in own words and point of view): pg# | | | |Pg. 009 â€Å"Self-Rule Is My Birthright† | |This talks about how the people thought that the English government wanted the best for the people. It talks about how they thought that the English government was | |doing their best to protect the people but it was only what they thought not what was really happening. It also talks about the Pax Britannica. It talks about how the| |people are not trying to boycott but rather they are trying to have a way of stopping them. My point of view of this is that that is a wise choice to instead of | |probably using violence to solve their problems they tried to solve it politically. | | | | | | | | | | |One Map (write â€Å"none† if 0 maps; what does map show and how does it relate to chapter, in your own words): pg. # | | | |Pg. 023 | |This map shows the United States in Latin America this relates to the chapter because it has to do with Latin America | | | | | |One Painting/Drawing/Photograph (write â€Å"none† of 0; what does it show AND how does it connect to the chapter) pg. #1022 | |This picture is one of the paintings Rivera made to show Imperialism after they decided to destroy his portrait of Vladimir Lenin. It connects to the chapter because | |it shows one of Rivera’s paintings. | | | | | | | | | | | | |Changes and Continuities: (Summarize: what are the major changes in the chapter, and then separately summarize: what has been continuous or what has stayed the same | |in the chapter (e. g. Although the Mongols took over an enormous empire from the Chinese, trade was still flowing along the Silk Roads and there was still continuous | |supplies going back and forth between China and the Middle East). | | | | | | |Some changes and continuities is that some changes is that people now wanted to be mo re integrated and decided to let the indigenous people come to the United States. | |They wanted to be more culturally diverse. Some continuity is that they still had some form of government. People could vote and have a say in the things that got | |decided. | | | | How to cite Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Operations Management Outdoor Power Centre of Brisbane

Question: Describe about the Operations Management for Outdoor Power Centre of Brisbane. Answer: Introduction The Outdoor Power Centre of Brisbane is well known in over the world. The centre is located in three locations in the Brisbane Queensland city. Though these three branches are similar in nature, they provide different product at different centre of Brisbane. The company is founded by Donald Saxon in the year 1985 in Mt Gravatt. On that time the company was not so grown up in Brisbane. Then the company purchased its strathpine centre in 2001 as a going concern. After 2001, the company has grown up in the worldwide. Now the operation management of the company in Brisbane has much improved. The company is providing genuine products to the customer. In the year 2004, the company made a quick achievement followed with the purchase of Ipswich Store. After 2004, all the branches of the company is working well in the industry. Finally Whilst Green was taken to manage the whole company. He manages all the branches properly within the country. According to Ronald, basically the company operate s as an independent business. So, the success of the company is fully depends on the operation management of the company. Outdoor Power Centre in Brisbane is principle based companies which thinks about the customer who must exact know about their products and services (Buys, Vine Miller, 2013). Background of the company The Whilst Green, the CEO of the company has managed the whole operational plan of the company in Brisbane. After foundation of Ipswich Store, the company has also built up its branches in some other places like Mt Gravatt, Belinda Green which Strathpine and Adam Conte. The Belinda Green in Brisbane is working since 10 years within the industry. After the retirement of Donald and Louise Saxon from the company, Belinda has the power to buy the business and incorporated Green Plus Private Limited in Brisbane (Buys Miller, 2013). Purpose and Scope of the Company As Brisbane Outdoor Power Centre is a principle based company, it has some vital aims and objective in the country to grow up the business into worldwide. These purposes are as follows; The company has the aims to provide better services to the whole branches of the company in Brisbane. The company wants to achieve a labeled with a full ingredient lists for the customer. The company has the aims to attract some retail customers as well because of a strong reputation for knowing staff within the country (Khan Riaz, 2013). The company wants to increase the premium and the customer would also be happy to pay more amount as a premium because they are satisfied with the companys product. Current Purchasing Power From the three branches of Outdoor Power Centre in Brisbane, all the branches of the company are running well within the industry. Customers are buying the companys product in large quantity. The company has a good purchasing power because it gets more premium amount from customers. According to Belinda, the customer buys the companys product at large quantity because the product is genuine and satisfactory. The reputation of the company is so strong because customers are happy with the product. As the company is growing well in the industry, it has a very good purchasing power in whole branches in Brisbane. Now the company is running by Belinda after the retirement of Donald and Louise and she properly maintain the product demand and needs of the customer. To improve the skills of purchasing power, it maintains a good supply chain in the country as per the needs of the customers (Wang, 2013). Inventory Management Process The Outdoor Power Centre is one of the best manufacturing companies in Brisbane which produces various products for the customers in large quantity. These products are chainsaws, bikes, blowers, brush cutters trimmers, chippers, edger, generators, mowers and many more. The company maintains some good operational management to produce these products in a specific manner (Stadtler, 2015). Inventory management process of the company is a scientific tool to measure the performance of the present stock which indicates that how many stocks of the company should maintain to meet the requirement of production demand. It is also helpful to provide genuine stock at needed time in the company. The management of the company also maintains the right quantity at a competitive price in the market. Operational management process of the company is more convenient to make business in Brisbane because it fulfills the customers needs. By the term inventory process it actually considered as the money process of the company which avail the shape of material in the company (Johnson, 2014). Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages There are certain major advantages of the inventory management process of the Outdoor Power Centre in Brisbane because the company is following guidelines of inventory management as well as operational management for the growth and success. As the company is maintaining the growth, it has some basic benefits in the company. The basic advantage of the process is to determine level of optimum inventory which means that the wastage of working capital is reduced in the company. With the help of inventory and operation process the company determines degree of control to measure the performance of the company in Brisbane. A good inventory management process helps to save time and money strategy in the company and also increase the efficiency and productivity. The company maintains its own sources and purchasing power with the help of all three of inventory managers in the company. The company can reduce the cost of labor if there is proper maintenance of inventory management in the company (Stadtler, 2015). On the other hand there are also some demerits of inventory management process in the company which is not good for the growth of business. These disadvantages are as follows; Sometimes customers buy the product at little cheap rate, this might not be good for the growth of the company. The process is maintaining the whole three branches of the company in Brisbane. For this it may traditionally suffer from losses. There is high cost of implementation in the company by which the process of inventory may not improve to get better performance. As the company is running in three branches in Brisbane, there is some complexity of process which is one of the negativity of the company. In order to run the company in whole branches properly, it may consume more time for the production process by which customers cannot get the product at that time as per their needs (Rushton, Croucher Baker, 2014). Whilst Green considered some problematic issue of the company because all the three branches are not properly maintained by the inventory manager at the same time. Increase in Efficiency and Reduce Investment of the company Supply Chain: The supply chain process of the company is widely running within the whole country. Further, it has been considered that the company has best supply chain in all branches of Outdoor Power Centre in Brisbane. The supply chain process increases the efficiency of the company because it plays a vital role in the company to produce goods as per needs of the customers. It gives opportunity to seek optimization in the company. The company pays regarding carrier quality of the product by which it can produce high level of goods to increase the efficiency of the company. Supply chain shows the overall financial position of the company. In order to increase the efficiency of supply chain, the company has to make some implementation and protection for the logistics phase. Concept of supply chain and inventory management is very much needed to increase the efficiency of the company to make a better customer relationship management and process integration within the country. The company produces more goods as per demand of the customer. People in Brisbane have needs of those products. If customers buy this product, the supply chain may increase the efficiency of the company. (Mohan Mizzi, 2013). Inventory Management: As the company is running in three branches in Brisbane, the investment of the company may reduce. On the other hand, inventory management is very much needed to reduce the investment cost in the company. If there is a good inventory management system, the company may earn more profit and if the company is earning more profit, it is the way to reduce the investment in the company. All performances of the company are fully dependable on the management inventory which may reduce the cost of investment in the company. In all branches products are different because the company produces the product as per people preference of that place. It means that there is low investment because of different products in different branches. Inventory management is much needed to reduce the investment in the company because it is a basic managerial tool to manage the whole strategic system properly and to implement the virtual integration in the company (Pettersson Segerstedt, 2013). Maintain Level of Adequate Stock According to Whilst Green, the supply chain process of the company maintains the adequate stock level in the company. Inventory management maintains all departmental tools relating to production of goods in different branches of the company. The company maintains some adequate stock in the company to improve the performance of the company. If there is sufficient stock in the company, it should be grow up successfully. If the stock level is not maintained properly, the company cannot grow up smoothly. The company knows that at what quantity the customer demand for the product. For this it has sufficient stock in the company to produce sufficient products for people of the country. From the above findings it has been considered that the company has best supply chain and inventory management is properly maintained as well as the stock level is maintained adequately in the company (Young, 2013). Recommendation and Conclusion From the above discussion it has been considered that Outdoor Power Centre in Brisbane is located in three branches which provide various products to the customers. Though the company is same in nature, the products are different in all branches. According to Ronald, basically the company operates as an independent business. The company wants to increase the premium and the customer would also be happy to pay more amount as a premium because they are satisfied with the companys product. Operational management process of the company is more convenient to make business in Brisbane because it fulfills the need of customers. The company maintains its own sources and purchasing power with the help of all three of inventory management in the company. In the recommendation part of the company, an action plan of success of the company may be treated for better understanding of the study. 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