Friday, February 28, 2020

Workforce Management of Singapore Airlines Essay

Workforce Management of Singapore Airlines - Essay Example The cabin crews in Singapore Airlines are recruited keeping in mind some basic objectives like not only being graciously presentable but also to reflect the feelings of warmth and friendliness. On the other hand, it also wanted to radiate a sense of authority and confidence in the pattern of their in-flight service. The recruitment function was carried along different ethnic groups from China, Malaysia, India and Eurasian communities. Cabin crews were recruited for both male and female within an age group of 20 to 25 years. The recruitment function contained stress and emotional interview rounds to judge the applicant’s ability to face such. Other parameters considered were communication, grace and posture and work experience. The need for a younger creed of cabin crew dismissed the recruitment of older people. This need to undergo a change for older crewmembers would mean less hassle in the functions of recruitment, selection, and training. Further, the taking of skilled and experienced new crewmembers also increased the chances of job-hopping by them. An interview conducted revealed that the crewmembers were not interested to suggest their brothers and sisters join Singapore Airlines for it did not provide a secured career.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The training program for the young recruits was an extensive one. It covered not only the theoretical base in providing guidelines on professional and personal etiquettes but also had a practical part. The practical training was imparted to make the recruits familiar with handling several amenities but also in the preparation and serving of beverages and dishes on board. Punctuality was taken as an integral factor in the program where a person thrice late was debarred from attending.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Common Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Common Assessment - Term Paper Example The Financial crisis has severely affected the personnel of the organizations. There have been several instances of employees’ retrenchment, downsizing as well as cutting the workforce to reduce the fixed overheads. This has resulted in the organizations left with only a fewer employees to meet the obligations and this causes the organizations to suffer not only in producing more products but also in producing quality products. (Skipper, 2009, pp.3-5; Basu, n.d, pp.205-207; Shah, 2010) The paper will assess the situation where the executives have been trying to redesign the jobs for employees and thereby facing a loss of employees every time they attempt to change the structure. Boosting Employee moral: An organization should look at effectively protecting the morale of the employee and constantly monitor the employee morale because the organizations have to realize at first the growth, the productivity of the organization rest mainly on the employees’ expertise. So the organization must be clear and lucid to the point of the scope of each and every employee. Giving a clear and transparent job specification to each and every employee is highly essential. Proper and effective communication is also highly important as clear communication addresses many complex issues. The employee should be given enough space for expressing ideas in a particular matter the employee is expert. The employee should be given in hand training for the particular job and should be given adequate feedback for their improvement such that the employee can get accustomed to the job requirement as needed by the employer. (Bruce, 2002, pp.69-74; Martocchio, 2004, pp.163-164) Designing crisis management: During the times of recession, the executives have been involved in restructuring the jobs, the situation during the crisis have gone to such extent that the employees working in a particular domain had to work on other domains simultaneously. There have been several instances wh en an employee working in a higher designation has to work for much lower designation profiles which have acted to a huge impediment to the morale up gradation of the employee. During the crisis period the situation has gone to such a level that in an IT organizations employees working as software developers for the organization even had to do marketing jobs which is a completely different profile for those employees. Moreover, employees working in higher designations to the level of floor managers or middle level managers in an organizational structure had to do works like depositing funds or withdrawal of funds from banks which are simply clerical jobs. So in different high esteemed organizations employees of higher repute and working in much senior positions had to do simple clerical jobs mainly to make up for the jobs of the employees who have been retrenched during the crisis. This has caused a huge moral degradation of the employees. On the other hand this has severely increas ed the work load on the employees as they had to take multidimensional roles in their work. This has caused a major setback in the employees’ moral. This has again resulted in employees resigning their positions as not