Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Statistical Methods Used for the Analysis of Data

Introduction: I will discuss in this paper one of statistical method used for analyzing data using time to conversion as a dependent variable, its called survival analysis, also it has many names such as event duration analysis, transition event analysis, time to event analysis, failure analysis and other, Definition of survival analysis: There are many definitions for survival analysis I will mention some of them that can clarifying the meaning, in general it’s a set of statics methods dealing with time as a variable until the event occurred. (Verlag, 1996) Other definition, survival analysis used to analyze data in specific time which event is the interest and the response of event refer to be a failure time or event in time or survival time. (BIOST, Feb 2005) Or we can summarize the useful for survival analysis by below bullets: †¢ Using time factor to conversion as dependent variable. †¢ Probability using each interaction as an observation. †¢ No needs for flatten the data. Important of survival analysis: †¢ Clinical trials (E.G. Cancer treatment). †¢ Life insurance and superannuation. †¢ Planning (E.G. Aged care). †¢ Component manufacture. Examples of survival analysis: There are a lot of examples of many fields such (Economics, Finance, health, technology ...est.), so let me provide some of examples as below, In finance for instant (loan performance), borrowers taking a loan for a specific period of time are they paid their installment or stop or escape for any reasonShow MoreRelatedQuantitative Methods : The Role Of Statistics1627 Words   |  7 PagesQUANTITATIVE METHODS: ROLE OF STATISTICS IN RESEARCH Name Course Instructor University City Date QUANTITATIVE METHODS: ROLE OF STATISTICS IN RESEARCH Quantitative research is an effective method of analyzing statistical data. The method refers to a systematic, experiential investigation that regards discernible phenomenon through computation or mathematical techniques (BaloÄŸlu, Koà §ak, Zelhart 2007). 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Each technique can provide distinct approaches to answering a research question, as they may emphasize specific factors or lead to different ways to structure results. Consequently, it becomes particularly important to consider one’s choice of measures and methods, as depending onRead MoreHow Statistics For Managers ( Bam1447b )1361 Words   |  6 Pagesprocess based on the analysis, interpretation, collection, or explanation, and presentation of a data set. It is applied to an enormous variety of academic disci plines, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities, and to government and business. Data analysis is applied when information needs to be converted into the raw data which is more purposeful information. Statistics is mainly all about the data analysis of a set of data. 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Today statistics is widely employed in government, business, and all the sciences. Electronic  computers  have expedited  statistical computation, and have allowed statisticians to develop computer-intensive methods.   The Word  statistics  have been derived from Latin word â€Å"Status†

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