Thursday, November 21, 2019

Questionarise for survey of customer buying performance for Essay

Questionarise for survey of customer buying performance for technological goods - Essay Example 152). Therefore, this study aims at indentifying buying preferences of customers towards sustainable technological goods which in this case will be different brands of cars. Moreover, the study aims at exploring technological elements that make some brands of cars to be highly purchased as opposed to others. Sample size of 1764 was used for the study. The result indicated that consumers purchase technological goods based on the quality, safety, value, performance, design, innovation, and environmental friendliness/green factors. Introduction Numerous factors usually affect the purchase decision of the consumer and most of these factors have been used in understanding market for specific goods and or services. Nonetheless, satisfaction of the consumer is usually pegged on the consumer’s cognitive and effective evaluation of the past experience on certain purchases. Additionally, the consumer’s purchase decision may be analyzed based on perceived risks. Therefore, underst anding these elements are quite beneficial to the new or technological good manufacturers especially those who intend to introduce new goods into the market (Mohr, Sengupta, and Slater, 2010; pg. 101). However, purchasing new technological goods will require more than the risk perception on the good, but will also require limited theoretical assessment of the entire purchase process that is defined within six risk dimension that include the assessments of the performance risk, financial risk, physical risk, convenience risk, social risk, and psychological risk (Pride and Ferrell, 2012; pg. 144). Each of these dimension of purchase risks usually have different significance on product or purchase risk or context; therefore, they must be considered independently by the consumer in determining their purchase decisions (Shaw, 2003; pg. 62). Therefore, these aspects or purchase risks will be considered independently in analyzing the factors influencing the purchase decisions of consumers to purchase technological cars. Literature Review The choice of customer is usually governed by the microeconomic theory that connects the preferences to consume goods and services in relation to the consumption expenditure. Therefore, choice of the customer usually affects the consumer demand curves. The relationship or the link between consumption, personal preferences, and demand curves is usually considered business economics since it helps in analyzing how the customer often achieves the equilibrium between expenditure and preferences (Crane and Mayer, 2003; pg. 179). This analysis is usually done by considering how the consumer maximizes utility as subject of budget constraints. Preference often presents the desire of an individual to consume a good and service thereby translating to consumer choices. Notably, these choices are usually based on wealth or personal income combined with the available time the consumer has to define consumption activities. Thus, it is worth noting that consumption is distinctive of production since there are two different actors that are involved. In other words, consumption is the primary aspect of production. A manufacturer may produce a good that would never be consumed; therefore, different abilities

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