Friday, November 1, 2019

The anti-Cancer activity of Rhein in Leukaemia Essay - 1

The anti-Cancer activity of Rhein in Leukaemia - Essay Example The tissue wherever the cells are deposited gets clogged and their function is compromised. Along with the increased proliferation of a set of WBCs, the normal red blood cells (RBC), as well as the platelet synthesis in severely impaired (Ciesla, 2007). The normal function of the bone marrow is also suppressed causing a generalized bone marrow failure. The compromised synthesis and maturation of RBC causes reduction in total circulating RBCs and hence reduced hemoglobin termed as anaemia. The leukaemia cells (like all the other malignant cells) have a tendency to invade the distant organs and tissues known as metastasis. These cells thus enter and get deposited in liver, spleen and lungs where the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system are highly active. The reduced platelet generation from the impaired bone marrow is responsible for the spontaneous bleeding seen in advanced stages of leukemia. Leukaemia can be divided into four classes, viz. acute myeloid, chronic myeloid, acute lymphoid and chronic (Hoffbrand et al, 2006). The acute leukeamia has rapid onset, and is characterized by the presence of blasts and other immature cells in blood. It may present in any age group of subjects and the organo-megali is not very pronounced. (Sekeres et al, 2007). On the other hand, chronic leukaemia is characterized by slow and subtle onset, primarily affects the adults and the blood profile shows increased concentration of mature white blood cells. In Britain, the incidence of leukaemias is quite less compared to the other types of cancer, accounting for about 3% of all cases. Less than 10000 new cases of leukaemia are being reported in UK (Cancer research UK). Therefore, although not very common, the high morbidity and mortality associated with leukaemia makes it an of great concern. A cancer cell lines are always derived from the patient harboring the malignant cells. The cancer cells from patients with specific characteristics are isolated and stabilized

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